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welcome to bunny hell. an oc project!

02/06/2024 long time no update what the hell... added a new guestbook cause the old one is shutting down, also changed up some minor things in info and character pages, updated gallery
03/02/2024 character bios and relationship tabs are up to date
24/02/2024 gallery edited, finally added a section for 2024 art orz
28/01/2024 minor changes, warning page added
04/01/2024 first update of 2024 YAAY HAPPY NEW YURI. character page has been completely revamped, each character has their own page now :D bios have also been updated
20/12/2023 updated character bios and added fei's late night thoughts to comic section
9/11/2023 gallery updated yayy
1/11/2023 tonya added to characters page, also added a relationship section to each character ♡
10/10/2023 site button made and added right below!
13/09/2023 gallery added. includes art, sketch and comic section!
12/09/2023 about and characters pages (mostly) complete.
10/09/2023 guestbook added.
09/09/2023 site created! agnes and fei added to characters page.

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